AA = giant(over 10 inches in diameter)
A = large(over 8 to 10 inches in diameter)
B = medium(over 6 to 8 inches in diameter)
BB = small(over 4 to 6 inches in diameter)
BA = ball(over 3.5 inches in diameter)
M = miniature(up to 4 inches in diameter)
MB = miniature ball(over 2 to 3.5 inches in diameter)
P = pompon(up to 2 inches in diameter)
WL = waterlily(over 2 inches in diameter)
PE = peony(over 2 inches in diameter)
AN = anemone(over 2 inches in diameter)
CO = collerette(over 2 inches in diameter)
S = single
MS = mingon shingle
O = orchid
NX = novelty double
NO novelty open
FD = formal decorative
ID = informal decorative
SC = semi cactus
C = cactus
IC = incurved cactus
LC = laciniated
ST= stellar
W = white
YL = yellow
OR = orange
P = pink
R = red
DR = dark red
LV = lavender
PR = purple
BR = bronze
LB = light blend
FL = flame blend
DB = dark blend
BI = bi-colored
V = variegated